Frequently asked questions

I will happily answer frequently asked questions with which yarn I work. My opinion is that the weaker the yarn is used, the finer and posher lace is. I myself once took Czech ,, Kordonet No. 50". Kordont No. 50, however, in the Czech Republic is not manufactured in various colors and I like colors, as seen in my pictures. So I settled on the Czech Kordonet No.30. From that are drawn almost all my tatting. Since Christmas I got other yarns which are only labeled with length in meters. But it roughly corresponds with Kordonet No. 30 or weaker. The question of what and how to starch is no clear answer. I preferably avoid starching, that means selecting stiffer yarn denser patterns and more tightening. I starch Christmas decorations because they are more widely used picot and also because they can get at Christmas in the hands of small children I use only natural starches. For plastic products I use the old way with sugar. I have several white products thus stiffening and are still bright white, just as of sugar. The density of hardener and the procedure is necessary to try. The use of chemical preparations of perchlorethylene in combination with polystyrene and other goo for mixing lace that comes into contact with the skin is not permitted. I strongly reject it and I believe that this issue will soon interest hygienists.
Nice moments with tatting wishes Alena Vyčichlová.
8. 3. 2013

One or two shuttles ?
One of the frequently asked questions is also why Mr. Jan Stawasz some of his designs discloses the use of a shuttle, even when is immediately obvious that this is a two-shuttle work. For example, in the book "Frywolitka szkola i wzory" on page 58, 66, and elsewhere.
The explanation is very simple.
We use one shuttle and instead of a second shuttle will serve us ball of yarn from which the shuttle was reeling. Therefore it eliminates winding to the other shuttle. Yarn wound between a ball and a shuttle will stay uncut.
Work: Binding of one shuttle tear, turn the way we used on back and will bind curl, with the only difference being that creative thread on the left hand leads directly from the ball. And that's it. The second shuttle is used with a slightly more complex designs where on the curls are drawn tears or when the shuttles toss.
Conclusion: If you experience a pattern in which alternate tears and curls and in the instructions is indicated using one shuttle, or use one of the shuttle and the ball of yarn, it is the same. From the professional point of view, in these cases of workflow it states to use one shuttle. Ball of yarn is usually not mentioned does - this will be taken for granted.
Yarn twisting
As I mentioned earlier on this site in the section,, how I do it, "I said I tested several methods that allowed tatter tie knot.
I gradually dropped all, even those that are most widespread in the Czech Republic. The main reason was that
yarn curls and twists excessively. Now I work without any problem, because I use detailed instructions which
can be found in the book of Jan Stawasz - Frywolitka szkola and wzory.
With this contribution I also want to answer frequently asked questions about the excessive twisting of
yarn at work.
Nice moments with tatting wishes Alena Vyčichlová.

All content is copyrighted and property of Alena Vyčichlová.