Tatting course

Tatting course for beginners
On Tuesday 9th of October 2012, we met for the first time in the reading room of the Municipal Library in Zdirec over Doubravou.
It was awesome. All ladies started with passion to work in an atmosphere of perfect friendship and what that nodu did not want and did not at first slip, but we made it work. Armed with good humor and patience, tatting is here to bring us joy and we will meet again on Tuesday, this time on the 16th of October 2012 and again in 16 hours. Thanks again to all who have shown interest in tatting and I look forward to the next course.
My heartful thanks go to the municipal library in Zdirec, Mrs. Lédlová who stayed there with us, regardless of her precious time until evening.
During the winter of 2012 and 2013, we met with tatting thirteen times. After mastering the most difficult part of tatting which is tatting knot, the girls embraced the next steps urgently needed for tatting. Those who survived, were awarded with the first joyful products.
I wish all, who will continue, many happy moments with tatting. Thank you for the warm welcome at the Municipal Library in Zdirec over Doubravou in our creative activities.
Alena Vyčichlová

All content is copyrighted and property of Alena Vyčichlová.